What is Amazon ASIN | The Road for Amazon Beginner Operators

Since Amazon sells millions of products, it’s no surprise that they created their own internal barcodes to track them – Amazon ASIN, FNSKU, and SKU. Quickly and accurately identifying and classifying products is critical to ensuring a smooth, efficient supply chain, and this can only be achieved through such codes.

What is FNSKU?

FNSKU is a fulfillment network stock keeping unit.
Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) products are assigned an FNSKU. Amazon should be provided with an FNSKU barcode for each item shipped as this allows Amazon to track the origin of the inventory.


Amazon ASIN


How to find Amazon ASIN number?

  • These can be called product identifiers and allow Amazon and sellers to easily search and identify products in Amazon’s catalog. Here are a few ways to find Amazon ASINs quickly and easily.
     Find the ASIN number in the details in the product listing:
  • Amazon URL looks for ASIN, a 10-digit string starting with B3

If you cannot search for asin, it may be because

  • The asin may be a parent asin: the parent ASIN cannot be indexed by Amazon search
  • Listing No Category Node: Amazon Search will not index ASINs that do not have a category node assigned to them.
  • Listing without quotation: ASIN needs to have a corresponding quotation before it can be searched. If an ASIN’s offer expires, it will become unsearchable.
  • Listing release date has not yet arrived: the release date of the ASIN must be in the past before it can be searched.


If you don’t want to just read these text interpretations, you can click on the video below to help you understand more quickly about the Amazon ASIN:


What is the use of Amazon ASIN?

  •  Sellers can use the ASIN code to query products on the front-end of the platform and the back-end of the seller’s store;
  •  You can track product inventory through the Amazon ASIN code, lead to the product catalog, and search the catalog page so that buyers can browse related products;
  • You can use the ASIN code to check information related to competing products, such as sales volume, listing traffic words, keyword layout, etc.


Amazon ASIN


Can buy Amazon ASIN?

No, there is no need to purchase ASIN codes. The product’s ASIN has been automatically generated. Adding brand new products to the Amazon catalog will require generating a new ASIN. Typically, brands and manufacturers are responsible for creating ASINs.

Does Amazon have duplicate ASIN codes?

When ASINs are duplicated, it becomes difficult for customers to find and purchase the product. Amazon prohibits the creation of duplicate ASINs.

The potential duplicates page allows you to check your inventory for ASINs that match other ASINs on Amazon, thereby avoiding suppression. You can accept or reject it as a copy.

Will you get in trouble for selling on Amazon without an ASIN code?

Yes. You cannot sell on Amazon without an ASIN. Having an ASIN is crucial to selling on Amazon. ASINs are automatically generated when a product is added to an Amazon listing. If a seller does not have a UPC/EAN code, they can choose to list their product on Amazon.

This is a free service called GTIN Waiver. Amazon offers a GTIN exemption for sellers without UPC/EAN codes to list their products.


Product images Amazon


How to create an Amazon ASIN ?

If you’re not sure if the product you want to sell already has an ASIN number, the first thing to do is to go to Seller Center, access the Inventory menu, and select Add Product.

This article introduces more detail abou how to create an Amazon ASIN. If you want to know more, please click to read:

Create a New Amazon ASIN Number | Best Guide

Next, enter one of the following product identifiers:

UPC: A UPC is a Universal Product Code, usually a 12-digit number. It is mainly used in North America.

EAN: EAN is a European article number, usually 13 digits, mainly used outside of North America.

ISBN: ISBN is the International Standard Book Number, usually a 13-digit number, and is a product identifier used by publishers, libraries, bookstores, and online retailers.

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