What is helium 10?
Helium 10 is the world’s leading one-stop e-commerce operation software toolbox. It provides global e-commerce entrepreneurs with data-driven e-commerce insights and solutions, and supports Amazon sellers’ business needs at different stages, such as novice start-up, business growth, and scale expansion. Includes software tools, data, community resources, training courses, and more.
what is helium 10
Helium 10 features
1. Black Box: Allow sellers to set and find the products they want to sell according to the standard;
2. Xray Amazon product research: This Google browser plug-in allows sellers to view key market data on the Amazon search results page or product page to verify whether the product has potential;
3. Magnet: One of the most powerful keyword aggregators, which can find the best keywords for product listings;
4. Cerebro: Reverse ASIN query, return hundreds or even thousands of keyword suggestions, estimated search volume of visited keywords, number of competing products, and keyword advertisements placed by competitors;
5. Frankenstein: It can help sellers delete some repeated words or unnecessary words, and sort keywords according to their popularity;
6. Scribbles: Allow sellers to add the best keywords to the backend and front-end of the seller center to ensure that the listing is optimized. If a seller sells across multiple categories, Scribbles allows sellers to modify the text field length regardless of the category-specific character limit. It can also help sellers optimize titles, product descriptions, and search terms hidden in the background;
what is helium 10
7. Keyword Tracker: allows sellers to track changes in their marketing and optimization efforts, and see how each changed keyword affects the ranking of product listings;
8. 5K Checker: Help sellers to detect whether existing keywords are included by Amazon background or A9 algorithm;
9. Hijacker Alert: Enter the ASIN code, and then it will send a text message to notify the seller if there are other sellers hijacking your product listing and seizing your buybox;
10. Inventory Protector: Limit the number of products purchased by buyers to avoid out-of-stock phenomena;
11. Refund Genie: After the seller logs in to the Amazon account, the tool will automatically help you search for Amazon returns or warehouse damage records, and then prompt you whether Amazon owes you money. If so, you can explain to Amazon which orders have not been refunded, and then follow up with Amazon’s processing progress. It is said that some buyers received refunds ranging from $10,000 to $30,000 within two or three months because of this reminder.
12. Trendster: Check the product trend, you can see the sales trend of the product at all times within one month, last month, and one year;
13. Misspellinator: Buyers sometimes mistype the search term. After using this tool, buyers can search for the seller’s products even if the word is misspelled.
what is helium 10
what is helium 10
Supported sites:All Amazon sites.
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what is helium 10